We understand you have a lot of questions on your mind, please check through the FAQs for the answer to most of the questions on your mind.
Should incase your questions are still not answered, kindly send a mail to: info@nse.org.ng
What is NSE?
NSE stands for the Nigerian Society of Engineers which is the umbrella organization for the Engineering profession in Nigeria.
What is the difference between COREN and NSE
COREN is empowered to regulate the Practice of Engineering in all aspects and ramifications in Nigeria while NSE is dedicated to providing quality service aimed at enhancing professional competence and development of its members at all times.
I am Already a member of COREN, do I have to become a member of NSE too
Yes and you would apply under category A1. Please see the Membership Requirements link for details
Will I be paying dues after becoming a member of NSE?
If I don’t pay my dues what will happen to my Membership?
Your membership status will be inactive and you won’t have access to what financial members have access to
How Can I upgrade my Membership Status?
A Member of any grade is expected to fill an application form for a particular membership grade level, however, there is no automatic upgrade to the next membership grade level