Fellowship by Invitation
- Must have been a corporate member of the Society for not less than three (3) years.
- Must have COREN Registration and Active Practicing License.
- The candidate shall normally have had not less than twenty (20) years’ experience in the practice of engineering
- Three copies of the report should be submitted on A4-size paper with soft covers
- Upload Completed Reference Forms by two Fellows of NSE from candidate’s Division, who must be of good financial standing.
The Form should be filled online and the necessary documents uploaded online.
The following details below can be sent to the National Headquarters of The Nigerian Society of Engineers or fellowship@nse.org.ng
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae / Resume showing academic & professional qualifications, employments and appointments, professional experience emphasizing significant contributions to the development and promotion of the Engineering profession (with evidence), major projects/designs etc.
- All certificates of academic & professional qualifications
- Certificates of courses/trainings/conferences attended in the past 10 years
- Presented Technical/Management Papers
- 2 Completed Referee Forms
- Appointment/Employment Letters
- Evidence of all claims made in the Form
Any other supporting documents.
Fellowship by Direct Application
- 15 years post qualification experience.
- Corporate Membership of the Society for at least 10 years.
- Up to Date Financial Membership in the Society
- Active membership in a Division and a Branch
- COREN Registration and Active Practicing License
The Form should be filled online and the necessary documents uploaded online.
The following details below can be sent to the National Headquarters of The Nigerian Society of Engineers or soft copy sent to: fellowship@nse.org.ng
- A type-written report on professional experience, emphasizing personal contributions in any one or two areas of engineering practice obtained since the date of election to membership grade, preceded by a resume of employments, appointments and responsibilities undertaken. Three copies of the report should be submitted on A4-size paper with soft covers. (Please see report format in the next page)
- Completed Reference Forms by two Fellows of NSE from candidate’s Division, who must be of good financial standing.
- Reference Letters from candidate’s Division Chairman and Branch Chairman.
- Copies of Certificates/Awards/etc
- Full documentary evidence to support all other claims
The report is to be submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Fellowship of the Nigerian Society of Engineers.
Report shall include the introduction, three major parts, conclusion and appendices. The introduction shall be the summary of all the major parts including the conclusion. The three major parts shall contain the following:
Part 1 (Resume):
Detailed Curriculum Vitae of candidate containing details of the basic educational background, professional qualifications, short-term courses/trainings and working experiences including responsibilities emphasizing personal contributions to the development and promotion of the Engineering profession. Copies of all certificates (academic, professional, trainings/courses/conferences etc.) obtained by the candidate are to be included.
Part 2 (Detailed Responsibilities/Duties/Contributions):
Detailed descriptions of some major engineering projects handled by candidate which have been singled out in order for the candidate to share unique experiences with Professional Colleagues.
The report shall contain details of the design specifications, technical contents, construction/fabrication/manufacture descriptions and other procedures. Details of challenges faced, problems solved and lessons learnt shall be stated.
Part 3 (Technical/Management Papers):
Technical papers (up to five) written by the candidate and presented/published at recognized fora/journals within the past ten years.
Lastly, there shall be the concluding portion of the report containing the highlights of Candidate’s contributions to the Nigerian Society of Engineers at the Headquarters and the branch and division levels. Specific details shall be given of the NSE Task Forces, Committees
and Boards the candidate had served including the representations of NSE in Public and
Private Institutions, etc.
Evidence of all other claims stated in the online application form.
NOTE: Candidate is requested to upload a letter of reference/recommendation issued by both Branch and Division Chairmen on their application portal. The letters should corroborate the candidate’s activities/contributions/services to the Branch/Division.