Please follow the guide below to have a hitch free online registration process
- Visit:
- Click on Register, then Fellowship Application
- After reading the instructions, Click on Next, then enter your existing membership No and password on the Membership application portal (Please ensure you know your existing Membership Number and Password, if you don’t have this info contact:
- Choose your Fellowship Category (Click here to see the requirements for the two categories of fellowship)
- Tick the “I agree to the terms and policy” Click on Validate button to load your membership details.
- Applicant are to ensure that loaded details are correct and blank fields are filled with the requisite information (This can be updated after making payment). Members should contact Database unit ( to update the fields that they can’t update themselves on the portal.
- Click on next to confirm your payment details, then click on “Pay and Submit” button to pay the application fee online
- On the confirm payment details dialog box, you can make payment using any of the two payment options.
- On successful payment, proceed to the login page ( to login with your Membership No and password to access the registration form.Login Type: Fellow Applicant
- After login, click on Membership Profile to update all the required fields and contact the database unit ( for other fields you can’t update yourse
- Then click on the Application Profile tab to fill the application form and upload all the required documents, ensure your proposers are in the same division with you and are financially up to date.
- You can click on the Preview Application menu to preview the already filled application before submitting and also use the Application Completeness details to check the pending records in case where the application details is yet to be 100%
- After filling all the form and the application is at 100%, you can then proceed to submit the form
For Technical Support, Please send an email to: or call: 0816-752-9022