Members Portal Guide

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Please follow the guide below to use the new Membership Portal

  1. Access the portal via this link
  2. Login with your Membership Number as Username and date of birth in this format (ddmmyyyy) as password. i.e if your date of birth is: 01/01/1958, your password should be: 01011958
  3. Choose: Registered Member as Login Type
  4. For those having issues logging into the portal, Please send the following details: (Membership No, Name, Date of birth, State of Origin, LGA, Email, Phone No, Contact Address, Next of Kin details (Name, Phone No, Contact address and email) to Your account would be updated and you will be able to login thereafter.
  5. Click on the Quick Links to
  • Change your password
  • Update your profile
  • Check your financial status
  • Make Payment

On payment of dues, please note that you can pay your dues in installment, when you click on the make payment button, enter any amount you want to pay from your dues and proceed to make payment. On successful payment the amount paid will be deducted from amount owing and receipt generated for the payment made


On successful login, click on the profile menu by the left to update your profile with NSE, if some of your data in the disabled fields is incorrect or missing, kindly send the correct data to include your Membership No and Name to:


Interswitch (Verve & Master Card): Redirects you to Interswitch payment gateway, select your card type and enter your card details, on successful payment it directs you back to the portal with a page to print your receipt with instant Email and SMS sent to the email and phone number on your profile

Remita (Master Card, Visa Card & Bank & Internet Banking): Redirects to Remita payment options page and generates an RRR for you. With the RRR you can pay via any option of your choice: Master/Visa Card, Banking hall, and Internet banking/Mobile Apps Banking.

On successful payment, instant SMS and Email will be sent to your contact details

Payment outside the Portal: This option is for those that transferred directly to the NSE Bank Account. After choosing this option, you will directed to the next option of choosing the bank account you paid into, date of payment and amount paid. Please note that after entering this details you are to wait for 24-48 hours before your account would be updated and payment receipt generated.

You are STRONGLY ADVISED to use option 1 or 2 above for instant notification and confirmation of payment

For Profile Update, Financial discrepancy and Login Issues after accessing the new portal, Please send an email to: or Call: Support on: 0905-023-4198, 0818-808-6718